Born on July 6, 1985, Ranveer Singh is the ‘New Gen Guy’ in the Bollywood industry. His acting career started with the Yash Raj Film venture ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’ in the year 2010 and there was no looking back. He has given a successful kick start to his career. His movies have proved to be both commercially and critically successful. Currently, Singh has many projects in hand and is all ready to experiment with his characters and acting. He has been also nominated for various awards and won few of them as well, including Star Dust Awards, Star Screen awards, Film Fare and others. His upcoming movie ‘Ram Leela’ is already making news and has high expectations. Ranveer Singh workout routine for Ram Leela was tough workout routine to follow. So let us now know the details of Ranveer Singh’s workout routine
Ranveer Singh Physical Stats
Ranveer Singh Height: 5 ft 10 inch
Ranveer Singh Weight: 75 Kg
Ranveer Singh Workout Routine
- Ranveer works out twice a day for an hour and a half each.
- His workout schedule includes 45 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes of cardio training.
- The training routine starts with a 10 minute workout routine followed by 20 minutes of high intensive training.
- HIT (High Intensive Training) includes vigorous exercises mainly, dips, thrusters, pushups, pull-ups and burpees.
- The functional training includes lots of free hand exercises for core strengthening.
- Ranveer Singh’s workout routine included running and swimming as well.
Ranveer Singh Workout Tips
- The intake of water and food must be prudently balanced so that the exercises and workout becomes more efficient.
- Avoid alcohol as it weakens your immune system and cuts down body building.
- A happy state of mind is very essential for the overall healthy body.
I am 28 years old. My height is 5’11” & weight 78 kg. I want to build my body like ranveer Singh. Please make my diet chart & working schedule as you think suitable for me.