Cass, whose real name is Cassandra Martin, is an incredibly fit woman bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast. In her early 20s, she randomly saw a picture of Jamie Eason somewhere in a magazine, and that inspired her to build her body fit and strong. She has always been different than the regular girls. People take light jobs when they graduate, but Cass decided to work for a construction company. She has always been interested in sports since childhood. Ever since Cass saw that picture in the magazine, she started going to the gym and never looked back.
Cass Martin’s Workout Routine
Cassandra is a beautiful 5’5” feet tall, well-built woman with a gorgeous body. But she did not just get it like that. She worked extremely hard for such a mindblowing transformation. She has a complex 6-day workout designed that she religiously follows.
She has a huge fan following on Instagram as she is one of the most popular fitness celebrities. She is not like a regular fitness model though. Unlike the others, he doesn’t mind getting dirty and giving it her all. Along with her husband, she takes broken, or unrepaired homes that need to be worked on and the husband and wife fix those houses so they can be resold. She never left the construction job. She has put her body and passion to good use.
Day 1: Calves
- 4 sets of Back Squats (8-10 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Hack Squats (15-20 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Front Squats (8-10 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of sumo squats (15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Leg Press (15-20 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Seated Leg Extensions (15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Seated Calf Raises (20-30 reps in each set)
Day 2: Chest
- 4 sets of Flat Bench Press (6-8 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Incline Bench Press (8-10 reps in each set)
- 3 sets of Incline Dumbbell Fly’s (8-12 reps in each set)
- 3 sets of Cable Fly’s (12-15 reps in each set)
Day 3: Back
- 4 sets of Wide Grip Pull Ups (No limit, continue till failure)
- 4 sets of Wide Grip Pulldowns (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Bent-Over Barbell Rows (10-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of T-Bar Rows (8-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of One-Arm Dumbbell Rows (10-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Seated Cable Rows (10-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Deadlifts (5-8 reps in each set)
Day 4: Glute, Hamstrings and Calves
- 4 sets of Lying Leg Curls (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Seated Leg Curls (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Walking lunges (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Romanian Stiff Legged Deadlifts (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Glute Kickbacks (15 reps in each set))
- 4 sets of Standing Calf Raises (20-30 reps in each set)
Day 5: Shoulders
- 4 sets of Side Lateral Raises (10-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Front Raises (10-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Military Press (8-10 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Single-Arm Lateral Raises (10-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Bent-Over Raises (10-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Pec Dec Fly’s (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Single-Arm Side Lateral Cable Raises (12-15 reps in each set)
Day 6: Arms
- 4 sets of Straight Bar Curls (10-12 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of EZ-Bar Curls (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Alternating Curls (15 reps for each arm in each set)
- 4 sets of Rope Curls 4 (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Straight Bar Curls (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Machine Dips (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Skull Crushers (8-10 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Lying Dumbbell Extensions (12-15 reps in each set)
- 4 sets of Close-Grip Pushdowns (12-15 reps in each set)
- 3 sets of Rope Pushdowns (12-15 reps in each set)
When asked who motivates Cass the most, she replied – “The most motivational person in my life has been my husband, Hunter. He is the best friend I need and he has been the only person in my life who has pushed me constantly to do and be better in so many aspects. He helps me to be honest and he has shown to me that if you work hard you can achieve anything you want in life. He is an amazing leader and also has the biggest heart. And he is certainly the hardest worker I’ve ever met. In my eyes, he is everything I wish I could be, but that’s why we make such a great team!”
Cass Martin’s Diet Plan
Looking at the muscles Cass has on her body it is quite evident that her meals will include lots and lots of protein. She eats no less than 6 meals a day. A body so fits like hers requires that kind of food for all the hustle and exercise she goes through the entire day. Her protein source includes – egg white, chicken breast, fish, lean meat and whey protein. Besides this, she eats lots of fruits and vegetables, and for her lunch and dinner, she eats beef, rice, turkey, oatmeal and cooked vegetables.
5 fitness tips from Cass herself:
- Make time for the gym: The only way to do that is, you plan your life around the gym. You will not get the desired results by simply just ‘trying’ to find time for it! You have to make serious efforts. Everyone has time for the gym but is about your priorities.
- Your body needs protein: Always make sure your diet stays fairly consistent with meal prepping if possible and getting adequate amounts of protein. If you have to grab something, then find something that won’t set you back too far.
- Stay hydrated: Hydration is very important! I never feel healthy when I do not get enough throughout the day and love the alkaline water and feel like it helps me a lot!
- Find your motivation: If you have someone else who enjoys training feed off of each other and hold each other accountable. You are more than likely to do the right thing for your goals if someone else is counting on you too.
- Early to bed, early to rise: For me, it has always been getting up early and head to the gym. Sometimes the day doesn’t go as planned and things take longer, but if I already got my workout in I won’t have to worry about missing it later!