If you are looking for an easy workout routine for gaining muscle mass, then you have come to the right place. We are going to help you learn about what to include and cut from your everyday diet and also put a light on the best-suited exercise plan for you.
Earlier were the times when only men wanted to gain in bulk and dreamed of a solid body. Today is the time when even women are interested in working upon the muscle mass just like men do. Well, the process of muscle building needs patience and much of an effort. For those who believe that it is all about just binge eating and then burning the bulk, it is not how it is.
- Muscle gain is a tedious process which involves a lot of dedication and persistence to follow your exercise regime and honestly adhering to your diet plan.
- First of all, let’s discuss what you should add to your daily food intake.
- The very first step is to find out how much your body requires and then feed it accordingly.
- This could be easily calculated in the form of Body Mass Index.
- It doesn’t matter in case you’re slightly on the skinnier side or on the fatty side, the two bodies can create bulk at their own particular speed and effort.
- Once, the calorie requirement is calculated, what you need to do next to find out ways in which you can fasten your metabolic rate.
- You all must be aware that if your body has a slow metabolic rate, your food gets digested slowly and you tend to lose fat at a slower rate.
- While on the other hand, a fast metabolism will speed up the process of cutting down on excess fat and putting it at the right place, your muscles.
Metabolism can be fixed by including a few things to your diet. Starting on your days which a cup of black coffee can do wonders in achieving that without giving you not more than just 4 calories. During the day, stocking up on the water can also help in achieving the same.
Next, we come to the foods which help in gaining muscle mass. Fill up your plates with lots and lots of protein rich things like egg whites, fish, lean beef and pulses like soya bean. Proteins keep you full for a long time and help you indirectly to not feed on fattening things like cheesy burgers, sweets, high-fat dairy products which are certainly not going to help you in the process. In case, if you are a vegetarian then your protein intake can be substituted by products like nuts, almonds, pulses and Greek yogurt. Also, what you guys can do is include green leafy vegetables and fibrous fruits as they come to your rescue.
- Your diet must not contain packaged food items as they give you nothing except temptations and calories that are hard to burn.
- Cut down on sugar even if you are consuming beverages.
- Eat whole grains like oats and soy.
- Along with managing the calorie intake of your day, a regular exercise routine is a must when talking about gaining muscle mass.
- A perfect balance of physical training and protein-rich diet together can achieve success in bodybuilding.
- In your workout routine, the amount and frequency of lifting weights can vary from person to person and also according to the body goal you are trying to achieve.
- Including a few sets of squats, deadlifts and crunches can help in cutting down that extra fat and also developing the core muscles which eventually construct your abs.
Weight lifting, on the other hand, helps in gaining muscle mass and developing the triceps and biceps.
One thing to be noted here is that weight lifting on regular basis can cause cramps and sometimes, injuries if not done with care. Therefore, you must do all these exercises under the guidance of your trainer. When loading your muscles with weight, the body starts demanding rest on regular basis. You gain only if your body recovers faster. So, it becomes necessary to schedule the workout routine depending on the scenario.
If you cannot decide it yourself then, working on lower or upper body for 4 days a week is sufficient. Whereas, if you want to concentrate on the whole body, then 3 days a week workout routine is more than sufficient for an average body. All these things when done persistently without any major cheat days will make your muscles stronger and give that bulkiness to your body in few months.