Phil Heath also known as popularly The Gift Heath is an American IFBB professional bodybuilder born on December 18, 1979 and has won 2 times Mr. Olympia title . His Huge Muscular and Ripped body shows his determination towards Bodybuilding and Workout. Heath has been featured in magazines, fitness articles and cover of FLEX magazine. In 2011 Phil Heath defeated Jay Cutler and became the 13th Mr. Olympia. Phil Heath has also released PHIL HEATH WORKOUT DVD’s “The Gift”, “The Gift Unwrapped”, “Journey to the Olympia” and “Becoming number 13th”. He usually allots two hours for Workout and therefore Phil Heath’s workout mainly includes three to five exercise per body part. He mainly focuses on the technique and keeps in mind that body might not be recovering fast.
PHIL HEATH HEIGHT: 5’7” (1.75 m)
PHIL HEATH WEIGHT: 113 Kg (250 lbs)
PHIL HEATH likes to have hard and heavy workout and mix up the things by incorporating the Fascia Stretch training technique (FST-7) as suggested by his trainer.
Monday (Hamstrings, Calves and Quads)
4Sets of Stiff-Leg Deadlifts of 8-10 reps
4Sets of Lying Leg Curls of 8-10reps
7 Sets of Seated Leg Curls of 10-12reps
4 Sets of Standing Calf Raises of 15-20reps
4 Sets of Leg Press Calf Raises of 20 reps
7 Sets of Seated Calf Raises of 15 reps
4 Sets of Extensions of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Front Squats of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Leg Presses of 12 reps
7 Sets of Hack Squats of 7 reps
Tuesday (Chest and Triceps)
4 Sets of Dumbbell Incline Presses of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Dumbbell Incline Flyes of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Hammer Strength Bench Presses of 10-12 reps
7 Sets of Pec Decks of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Pushdowns of Rope Attachment of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Dips of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Close-Grip Bench Presses of 10-12 reps
7 Sets of Lying Triceps Extensions of 10-12 reps
Wednesday (Rest day)
Thursday (Back and Biceps)
3 Sets of Wide-Grip Pull-Ups of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Power-Grip Chin-Ups of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of T-bar Rows of 12 reps
4 Sets of Bent-Over Rows of 12 reps
3 Sets of One-Arm Dumbbell Rows of 12 reps
7 Sets of Straight-Arm Pull Downs of Rope Attachment of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Standing EZ-Bar Curls of 12 reps
3 Sets of Hammer Curls of 12 reps
3 Sets of Concentration Curls of 12 reps
7 Sets of Hammer Strength Preacher Curls of 8-10 reps
Friday (Shoulders and Traps)
4 Sets of Smith Machine Military Presses of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Dumbbell Front Raises of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Upright Rows of 10-12 reps
7 Sets of Dumbbell Lateral Raises of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Dumbbell Shrugs of 12 reps
4 Sets of Barbell Shrugs of 12 reps
Saturday (Cardio Exercises)
Sunday (Rest)
Its really really awsm i am the big fan of phil heath .